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Welcome to Trade First Global Livestock Farm
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We are a privately owned company dedicated to providing the best breed and quality of livestock and other related products for the consumption in both our local and international markets.Contact us today to get a quote for any of our available products

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Welcome to Trade First Global Livestock Farm
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We are a privately owned company dedicated to providing the best breed and quality of livestock and other related products for the consumption in both our local and international markets.Contact us today to get a quote for any of our available products

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Welcome to Trade First Global Livestock Farm
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We are a privately owned company dedicated to providing the best breed and quality of livestock and other related products for the consumption in both our local and international markets.Contact us today to get a quote for any of our available products

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About us

About Trade First Global Livestock Farm

Trade First Global Livestock Farm is characterized by faster growth in consumption and trade than any other major agricultural sector. Structural changes in Livestock 0production and marketing have been driven by the growing demands of urban markets. While the majority of Livestock in developing countries are still kept by smallholders, a strong and internationally linked Livestock industry has evolved by utilizing economies of scale and technology.

Experiences in recent years have shown that smallholder Livestock production systems can offer a useful entry point for development programmes addressing extreme poverty and food insecurity, especially where traditional and small commercial flocks are the domain of women. While these are positive features, the outbreaks of highly pathogenic avian influenza since 2003 have led to criticism of smallholder production systems. In response, the Animal Production and Health Division (AGA) prepared the concept and programme of an international Livestock conference to assess the current and future trends in the Livestock sector and their social, environmental and health implications. The findings and conclusions of the conference are expected to assist in the identification of policy measures that address the consequences of structural change in the livestock sector.

You are always welcome to see,our available products

Bosmara Cattle

Bonsmara Price
Heifers R4000 – R8,000 Each between 13–24 Months Weight 450–800kg Dairy Cows R6000
Bulls R5900 – R12000 Weight 600 – 900kg
Pregnant Cattle R6000
Calve R2500 Between 3–4 Months 110–350kg

Nguni Cattle

Nguni Prices
Heifers R4000 – R8000 Each between 13 – 24 Months,
Weight 300 – 500kg
Dairy Cows: R6000 Each
Bulls: R6000–R12,000 Each Weight 500– 700kg
Pregnant: R6000 Each
Calve:Between 3 – 4 Months, Weight 110 – 250kg, R2500 Each

Brahman Cattle

Brahman Cattle Price
Heifers R4500 – R9,000 Each between 13 – 24 Months,
Weight 450 – 900kg
Dairy Cows R6800 Each
Bulls R7000–R13000 Each Weight 600 – 900kg
Pregnant Cattle R6800 Each
Calve R2600 Between 3 – 4 Months, 110 – 350kg

Angus Cattle

Angus Price
Heifers R4600 – R9,000 Each between 13 – 24 Months,
Weight 450 – 800kg
Dairy Cows R6900 Each
Bulls R7000–R13000 Each Weight 600 – 800kg
Pregnant Cattle R6800 Each
Calve R2600 Between 3 – 4 Months, 110 – 250kg


Beef Master Cattle

Beefmaster Price
Heifers R5600 – R10,000 Each between 13 – 24 Months,
Weight 750 – 1100kg
Dairy Cows: R7300 Each
Bulls: R8000–R13000 Each Weight 900 – 1100kg
Pregnant Cattle: R7800 Each
Calve between 3 – 4 Months, 150 – 350kg, R2900 Each

Boran Cattle

Boran Cattle Price
Heifers R4500 – R9,000 Eachbetween 13 – 24 Months,
Weight 450 – 900kg
Dairy Cows R6800 Each
Bulls R7000–R13000 Each Weight 600 – 900kg
Pregnant Cattle R6800 Each
Calve R2600 Between 3 – 4 Months, 110 – 350kg


Braunvieh Cattle

Braunvieh Cattle Price
Heifers R5600 – R10,000 Each between 13 – 24 Months,
Weight 750 – 1100kg
Dairy Cows: R7300 Each
Bulls: R8000–R13000 Each Weight 900 – 1100kg
Pregnant Cattle: R7800 Each
Calve between 3 – 4 Months, 150 – 350kg, R2900 Each


Ankole Cattle

Ankole Cattle Price
Heifers R4500 – R9,000 Eachbetween 13 – 24 Months,
Weight 450 – 900kg
Dairy Cows R6800 Each
Bulls R7000–R13000 Each Weight 600 – 900kg
Pregnant Cattle R6800 Each
Calve R2600 Between 3 – 4 Months, 110 – 350kg

Our Products


Cow Gallstones



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